Thursday, November 6, 2008

Back Shot

~ Currently in the list...Scorpions - Rock you like a Hurricane ~

Ouch!! A couple days ago I hurt my back, my lower left side hurt to the point I took medicine. I hate taking medicine and typically avoid it. I also bought a heat pad for it. Damn. 

The pain finally went away until tonights Bank Shot in which now it is my lower right side. 

Go figure. 

~ Jeffery

Bank Shot

~ Listening to an iTunes Playlist with some songs from the 80's haha ~ 

I am playing M8 again with my buds...I am low ranked as I just joined. Last week I lost on a couple easy 8 shots. Tonight I made up for it with 2 difficult bank shots with 1 to win the match!! Yea!

~ Jeffery