About a year ago my neighbor asked me if I was interested in their patio set, for free. During one of our hail storms the hail damaged 90% of the straps on the chairs. Hmmm, at the time (still am sometimes) I was always looking on Craigslist for deals. I asked myself...could I fix these and have a nice set? It is a beautiful set, iron, solid, nice look, etc
The color was fading on the chairs and cushions, there were basically no straps but I thought hey it was free. I then sat on them for a year wondering how the heck does one fix a vinyl strap that wraps around part of the chair twice. I was lost.
I went from store to store...nothing, I checked the Net, nothing. A couple weeks ago I started checking again and bingo I found a site that sold the vinyl I needed but most importantly they had videos on HOW TO FIX IT!!
I bought 100' of vinyl, some spray paint and went to town. Just tonight I got 1 chair done, I have 4 left to go. The satisfying thing is it worked. I actually sat on it and it held me. haha.
The trick to vinyl is to boil it for 2 minutes because then it stretches real easy. The 2nd trick is all the tips they tell you to do multiple straps at a time to save you some time, that is true up until the time where you take the straps out of the boiling water.
I did 3 at a time, pulled 3 out, added the rivets, went to the garage, stretched the first one, bingo. Went to stretch the 2nd one and it was cold already and way to short! Back to the boiling water.
Any rate...I am happy, accomplished and resting in my new chair.
The cushions probably need to be replaced but that is for another day. They don't look toooo bad right now and they are functional. :)
~ Jeffery