Friday, July 3, 2009

Mystery Bird

You ever see the fuzzy pictures of the Loch Ness Monster? Or there are the fuzzy pictures of Big Foot? How come no one can take a clean, good quality picture of them? Now I know. It is because they are mysterious. 

I have a mysterious bird that arrives in the pond behind the house. I do not know what it is. When it, long pause, seeking out the right brings me back to TV shows talking about Dinosaurs. It has a very unique call. So I have tried to take a picture of it and as you can see by my other pictures they are clear and good quality pics. Every shot I try and get of this bird they turn out as seen here, I don't know why. 

When I try and get closer to take a better flies away. 

It is dark in color, it reminds me of something similar to an Egret but as you can is short. 

Do you know what it is? 

~ Jeffery

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